Saturday, 24 August 2013

"Sorongi'is" Ritual Nagekeo Rate Maturing Woman

Being a mature person who said it needed a long process, whether it's starting from the process of increasing the age to attitudes and ways of thinking. Similarly, in the District Nagekeo, mature woman to go through a traditional process. As performed by the tribal people in the district Dhawe Nagekeo. Maturing process of a woman to go through a ritual of cutting teeth, which in the local language of the indigenous ritual called "Sorongi'is". Uniquely, this ritual is usually done over a range of pre-teen or teen years, depending on the ability of the child's parents. This ritual as a complement to the process leading to marriage.
Cristian Adinata 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ALL Friend

Two girls dressed indigenous people visible lying in the wedge by the grandmother. Not long after, a man who was appointed as the officer approached cutting teeth and jaw holding her son, asking him to open his mouth. A small whetstone plugged directly into the child's teeth. Cash only child faces grimacing and groaning issued withstand pain when the grindstone in rubbing repeatedly.
Having considered the tooth surface was flat, the child was handed over to one of the mother to be treated. Here treatments rely a hometown-style concoction of betel nut is still raw. The boy is required to chew betel nuts a few times just relieve pain.

Jhonatan Raga (Pariwisata Nagekeo Flores East Nusa Tenggara)

Poetry in rhythm tandak tells about the ancestors and some traditional teachings in life. Occasionally interspersed with a spoken poem is berbalasan of women and men. Fill sometimes humorous rhymes, which invited laughter from the audience. To add to the spirit, an officer will continue to serve betel and moke, signature drinks to the participants Nagekeo tandak. In the local language, tandak event is called "Wai Allies".

Not long after, the child who will cut the teeth brought by his parents to be included in tandak. Here the child must use the customary fashion and covered her mouth with a sling. During the process, the child is constantly getting control of the family not to communicate directly with anyone. In the event tandak, the child is given the opportunity just five times revolve around the campfire with the other participants tandak. Then brought back to the room to rest. Tandak event lasts all night non stop. As the sun rises, the event tandak disbanded.

This is the culmination of all the women in the tribe maturation series Dhawe Nagekeo District. Sorongi'is ritual implies that the child has grown up in the customary law. As in tuturkan Donatus Two, one of the tribal elders Dhawe, a moment when it comes to age ready nut, customary law has been approved if there is a man who came to woo,
Before heading Sorongi'is ritual, the family had to undergo a series of custom events. The previous night, the family and the invitations will carry tandak. They began to dance, sing and berpantun around the campfire while holding hands.

Prior to the event cutting teeth, the family must perform a ritual again that, take offerings to the ancestors. Offerings usually consist of rice, meat, betel and moke. These offerings as a form of thanksgiving to the ancestors once begged blessing for organizing the event
When it came to the top of the show, the children were led out of the house by her parents. The process of cutting teeth should be carried home neighbor who still has family ties. However, before the group headed neighbor's house, first child is blessed with a traditional greeting by one of the elders. Custom greeting followed by a splash of rice five times to the child. This pemberkataan ritual called "Resa Drain". After that, the child will be swayed by his father as much as five times over a pig that is put in front of the house. At the count of five, the child is ready to swing past the pig and walked to a neighbor's house where the ritual execution of cutting teeth. The home is waiting for tooth filing officer who had been prepared with a small grindstone. The officers should be from a family member.

The whole series of events was arguably requires no small cost. Usually long ago the family had prepared all the needs of the show, ranging from cows, buffalo, pigs and goats are ready to sacrifice for a meal together. For parents of children, the preparation of this event may be helped by the gifts brought by the invitation. However, the parents also have to think of how to repay back the gifts. Because it has become a tradition, the family as an invitation to bring gifts of mats, cushions or rice will receive a reply in the form of goats or pigs. In contrast, the pigs or goats brought gifts will receive a reply mats or rice.
However, behind all these Sorongi'is process, tucked a sense of relief and pride. At least, parental responsibility in customary law has been implemented, although the economic cost is quite large.

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