Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Indigenous villages Tutubhada Flores Island East Nusa Tenggara Timur

Tutubhada village located in the village of Rendu Tutubhada, District of South Aesesa, Nagekeo District, which is an Old World Village in District Nagekeo. In the village there are still relics of objects of cultural heritage and cultural attractions such as: Indigenous Boxing (Etu), Cut Buffalo (The Bhada), Circumcision (Nuwa Tau), etc.. All the houses in the indigenous village Tutubhada very unique because of its shape similar to that of the customary (Ji Vao).

Sa'o Ji Vao was first established in 1983. Ji means power, it means Vao Shade,. Ji Vao means shelter house by the local community in which we find peace. Sa'o Ji Vao protect all tribes ranging from the King Ulu Tana Tada Riwu up to King Eko Tana Rendu society.

Development Sa'o Ji Vao pass 17 stages where traditional rituals are at the final stage of the ceremony will be held Bhada (cut buffalo). The ceremony begins with Bhea Sa Bhada by representatives of all the existing customs union house. Tutubhada included in Redu ethnic unity, District of South Aesesa.

When visiting Tutubhada, the tourists can directly browse the village in which there are traditional houses with the objects of cultural heritage pristine ancestral village community Tutubhada. Moreover we can communicate directly with the relevant traditional leaders Tutubhada village history, while you enjoy the local food and a variety of art and cultural attractions.
If you want to get a souvenir / handicraft, you can choose a collection of local craft community which is easily found in the indigenous village location Tutubhada.
To achieve the traditional village Tutubhada you can travel by motorcycle taxi or rented car.



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